Patrick Ogungbola
The objective of our monthly article is to enlighten our readers and clients about the goings-on in Nigeria vis-à-vis the state of the economy, how it affects the majority of people and the effect on real estate and other ventures, while proffering suggestions on the way forward.
This writer, by nature of his work interacts with a lot of people from different locations and works of life. Recent interactions with people in Nigeria, and mostly Lagos which accounts for the largest number of residents show that there’s a drastic fall in people’s disposable income; or to say in another way, ‘there’s shortage of money in circulation’. The complaints about lack of money are really too much, that one may begin to ask, ‘Where has all the money gone to?’ No wonder, a recent report published in June 2018 by Brookings Institution, a nonprofit public policy institution in the United States, showed that Nigeria has overtaken India as the country with the highest number of extremely poor people in the world’. According to the report, ‘At the end of May 2018, the trajectories suggest that Nigeria had about 87million people in extreme poverty, compared with India’s 73 million’. What is more is that extreme poverty in Nigeria is growing by six people every minute, while poverty in India continues to fall, says the report. Likewise, in March 2018, International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported that Nigerians are getting poorer, saying there is a need for coherent and comprehensive economic reforms.

No doubt, there’s really no perfect country or institution in the world; there will always be room for improvement over previous conditions, inventions or products. In other words, something ‘bad’ can be made ‘good’, ‘good’ to ‘better’, ‘better’ to ‘best, ‘best’ to ‘bestest’ (it’s not a bad English, please check google) – what is being said here is that, nothing is currently in its finest state; remember, the beautiful ones are still not yet born and, after ‘End of Discussion’, comes ‘Discussion Continues’.
With the foregoing therefore, this writer is very optimistic about the great potentials of our great country and her people. Indeed, there is hope and better days lie ahead! There will always be light at the end of the tunnel. We, Nigerians can make it happen. Every great country in the world today started from somewhere; even as symbolic and beautiful as Rome is, it wasn’t built in one day. Every problem in this country is an opportunity to create a solution for pecuniary benefits; money is not a right, it is a reward for solving problem. This is one of the secrets of the richest man in Africa, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, a man born and bred in Nigeria and who also lives in this same country where many are complaining of lack. This man doesn’t concern himself too much on what happens in the political arena; he is always busy seeking for opportunities to create solutions and products to meet the daily needs of Nigerians and other African countries. On a daily basis, we buy and pay for at least one of Dangote’s product, or is it possible for one not to use any of these products that Dangote’s company produce in a day: cement, sugar, salt and seasonings, flour, and agro packaging materials. He is also involved in property development and management, technology (Dancom Technologies Limited), port operations, transportation, food and beverages, including new areas such as rice farming, sugar farming, petroleum refinery and petrochemicals, fertilizer, gas pipeline, energy, amongst others. This is an insight into what makes this great man one of the richest man in the world.
The above is a lesson for us – rather than complaining about how tough and difficult the current economy is, or about how difficult it is to make money now, or denying and arguing on a well researched report, why can’t we be thinking of ways to contribute our quota to the system and device new ways to improve on old system of doing things, and to make a difference which will eventually translate into money. As emphasised in our last month’s article, complaints and blames have never and will never provide solutions to problems, we just have to get up and start working immediately. The truth is, there is no perfect time to begin, but now. If we wait for the perfect condition, we will never get anything done. Procrastination is a thief of time.
In this generation, everything seems to be geared towards speed and ideas are becoming dynamic and universal. Isn’t it funny that the things you are just planning to start are already being implemented elsewhere, and hence, you are already behind schedule in your implementation. Even what you are thinking about right now is already on the internet, just ‘google’ it. Someone once said that, ‘Your own morning starts the moment you wake up’, it is better to start late than never?
The current economic condition being experienced now is not new; worse things have happened in this country and elsewhere. Although, I didn’t witness the Great Depression (and I’m happy I wasn’t born then), but I’ve read many articles on it and what happened then is better imagined, than experienced, and I don’t pray there will ever be another. Indeed, this time shall pass, and we shall experience better days. This is where it is very important to keep all hope alive and to stay alive to enjoy the goodies that the future brings. Sometime last year, I read something very instructive and enlightening in a book titled, ‘Be a Sales Superstar’ by Brian Tracy; he said in Page 137 that, ‘Make a decision that you are going to live to be eighty years old or more, and begin today to do whatever you have to do to achieve that goal’. The day I read that statement, my eyes lightened up because I have had the premonition that to live up to that age is not within anyone’s control but 100% God, but what Brian Tracy is saying here is that although God’s factor is very important in this, you have many roles to play to live longer, it is your decision; by watching what you eat, as well as your lifestyle, as many people have died due to careless living and preventable ailments which could have been avoided. To experience the good, beautiful new Nigeria we all desire, you must strive to stay alive, as one of our most revered staff will always say, ‘It is only the living that does business and knows the current situation of the economy’. Things will surely get better for us all.
As usual, we want to remind you that we care so much about you, and that when it comes to your real estate investment and advisory, we are always here to give you the very best service you can never get elsewhere. That is our promise, and will always be.
Meanwhile, please find below the powerpoint presentations of our current properties for sale in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Thank you.
Affordable Properties For Sale in LAGOS
Affordable Properties For Sale in ABUJA, FCT
Affordable Properties For Sale in PORT HARCOURT, RIVERS STATE