by Patrick Ogungbola

Welcome Dec

We welcome you to the much-awaited month of December; the last month of the year 2015. December is highly remarkable, not only because of the festivities, but it is also a period that marks the end of the current year and ushers us to the beginning of another. December is seen as a period of appraisal, accountability and reckoning. In most organisations, people who have performed excellently well are usually recognised and rewarded at this period. It is also a period of gift sharing among different people; and most especially too, it is a period of long holiday which affords people the opportunity to travel within and outside the country.

By and large, in Nigeria, the year 2015 has been highly remarkable. If not for any other thing, the successful transition from the PDP government to an APC one is worthy of note.

Show of statemanship

Admittedly, the war against corruption is yielding some positive result; people’s expectation seem to be dwindling on a daily basis by the ‘change phenomenon’ promised by the current Nigerian government. The unabated killings by the unrepentant insurgents called ‘Boko Haram’, the protracted fuel crisis, massive unemployment, erratic power supply, instability in the economic and political systems, are some of the ills currently facing the country.

Amidst all these, if we take proper inventory of our individual and corporate lives, vis-à-vis tangibles and intangibles, we will find out that 2015 has been a great year up till now; and we should be thankful. Does this apply to you? Or, has the year been a bumpy ride for you? Oh yeah, it sometimes does; and if you fall into this category, this month’s article is for you. But the pure truth is, the year 2015 is not yet ended.

Gratitute turns whatever we have into enough

For most people, whenever we get to the month of December, they lose their sense of purpose and accomplishment; with a negative believe that if they had not achieved their goals since the beginning of the year, then the month of December cannot be an exception. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY A MISCONCEPTION. December may be the last month of the year, but it’s definitely not a bonus month. It has 31-days; it is too precious to be wasted in only merriment and frivolities.

The words of Maria Robinson should encourage you. She once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”


Yes, you may not have begun well, but you can strive to have a great ending this year; it’s better late than never! You can still make the most of the remaining days left in this month, don’t while them away.

Studies have shown that enormous sales are recorded in the month of December than any other month. Many great companies, all over the world, record huge profit in their turnover at this period. From the retail store to the big shopping malls, from the transportation industry to the housing sector, from entertainment to tourist industry, even to the fast food restaurants, they all will make their millions and billions during this season. There will be huge transfer of money from those who buys to those who sells. The logic is simple: Buyers lose money, sellers make money.

Money is not a right; it is a reward for solving problem. Solve a major problem today, and you would have discovered your reason for existence.

Make more money by solving bigger problem

As usual, we want to remind you that we care so much about you, and that when it comes to your real estate investment, we are always here to give you the very best service you can never get elsewhere. That is our promise, and will always be.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous year 2016 in advance.

We remain;

Very truly yours,

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